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Nuair nach eil gu leòr às-tharraing stòran agus cochaill, bidh siostam Diluter a tha na shìoladh coileanta, a’ riaghladh ceò tàthaidh gu h-èifeachdach ann an goireasan farsaing.

Dhealbhaich Plymovent an Diluter gus an dùmhlachd àrainneachd de ghathan tàthaidh dian taobh a-staigh bùth-obrach a riaghladh.  â€™S e siostam sìoltachaidh coitcheann fèin-thaiceil a th’ anns an t-siostam Diluter, a’ toirt air falbh an fheum air tuilleadh ducting a stàladh.

SCS Diluter

If welders are constantly moving between positions, fumes can stray.  The SCS Diluter is an air circulation unit with six multidirectional outlet nozzles that re-circulates the cleaned air into the workshop.

SCS Diluter

MDB Diluter

The MDB-Diluter swiftly filters and eliminates the blue haze, ensuring it dissipates within the filter medium.  The MDB-Diluter introduces the purified air into the workshop with a throw range of up to 50 meters (164 ft), allowing complete adaptability in terms of volume and direction to suit your specific requirements.  The nozzles can be individually adjusted without causing any drafts.

MDB Diluter
01667 454400
01224 531234
0141 471 4177

©2023 le a-mac environmetal Ltd Àireamh Companaidh 296037 . Air a chruthachadh gu pròiseil le

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